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Essay on Multiple Personality Disorder - 2024 Words
Multiple Personality Disorder Mental disorders have baffled physicians, psychiatrists and the general public since the beginning of time. One particular disorder called Dissociative Identity Disorder, also known as Multiple Personality Disorder, has caused controversy between those who believe it is real and those who think it is purely part of an individual’s imagination. For those who believe strongly in its existence, it poses very real consequences and hardships. Dissociative Identity Disorder has many causes, symptoms, and treatments; unfortunately, those who don’t take it seriously use it as a scapegoat for others undiagnosed problems. Many people may wonder what specifically defines Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). This†¦show more content†¦An annual report states, â€Å"97% of DID victims report a history of childhood trauma, most commonly a combination of emotional, physical and sexual abuse†(7). The victim then, after learning to disassociate themselves from the event (making it seem as if it did not happen or forget details) will quickly learn this as a defense mechanism for other problems big or small (5). The well-defined personalities aid diverse roles in helping the individual cope with life’s dilemmas (6). Additionally, â€Å"if the multiple personality disorder is caused by childhood trauma it is likely remembered only as a series of perceptual information- fleeting images, olfactory, auditory, or olfactory sensations†(3). However, DID has been known to be triggered solely by organic causes, such as†temporal lobe epilepsy [which] can lead to split personality di sorder†(5). As well as, â€Å"Other organic causes of multiple personality disorder include sleep loss, sensory deprivation, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and encephalitis†(3). Psychotherapists and researchers hypothesize that part of what’s happening is the sequestering of damaging information. Instead of distributing space with the rest of the memories, the disturbing incidences are crammed into their own little area, and the only way they can be accessed is through fragmented and incoherent neural pathways†(3). As the years have progressed so have other theoriesShow MoreRelatedMultiple Personality Disorder1920 Words  | 8 PagesMultiple Personality Disorder One particular disorder in the medical field called Multiple Personality Disorder, has caused controversy between those who believe it is real and those who think it is purely part of an individual’s imagination. Multiple Personality Disorder is characterized by the existence of two or more distinct alters or personality states that persistently have control over a person. For those who believe strongly in its existence, it poses very real consequences and hardshipsRead MoreMultiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Essay example756 Words  | 4 Pages Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), which is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), is a Dissociative Disorder. This disorder is when a person has two or more distinct personalities that often control the person’s behavior. This disorder has many controversies because of the fact that it is not scientifically proven. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One personality is usually restrainedRead More Multiple Personality Disorders1032 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Multiple Personality Disorders†nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sometimes people undergo traumatic experiences in their lives that are either physical or mental and maybe even a combination of both. If the experience was so intense, and so horrible, that the mind didn’t want to remember it, or possibly didn’t know how to deal or cope with it, then that one experience has the power to split a person’s mind into â€Å"another personality†. If this happens, the other personality or personalities comeRead MoreMultiple Personality Disorder1423 Words  | 6 Pagesfrom reality, just mild like when we daydream, delve into a good book or become engrossed with a project. But then after that, we do still come back to reality. However, some people are diagnosed with a dissociative identity disorder or the popular multiple personality disorder (MPD). This differ from mild dissociation that all of us commonly experience. People who have this live a fairly complicated life. Sadly, people who have this experience traumatic physical, sexual or emotional abuse duringRead MoreMultiple Personality Disorder1415 Words  | 6 Pagesfrom reality, just mild like when we daydream, delve into a good book or become engrossed with a project. But then after that, we do still come back to reality. However, some people are diagnosed with a dissociative identity disorder or the popular multiple personality disorder (MPD). This differ from mild dissociation that all of us commonly experience. People who have this live a fairly complicated life. Sadly, people who have this experience traumatic physical, sexual or emotional abuse duringRead MoreThe And Multiple Personality Disorder1261 Words  | 6 PagesHypnotherapy/Multiple Personality Disorder Hypnosis can help with therapeutic evolvement while someone has Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD for short. Often times many cases of MPD are found in the United States,according to Joseph Goldberg, a doctor at, 1 out of 100 people in the United States get MPD per year.The subject that has MPD does not realize they have a problem,because the subject believes that what they are seeing and feeling are real. Many of the cases of MPD are foundRead MoreMultiple Personalities Disorder Analysis1037 Words  | 5 PagesMultiple Personality Disorders (MPD), or what has been re-classified, Dissociative Idenitfy Disorder (DID), is a deliberating and frightening illness for the DID individual; as well as their friends and family. The meaning of DID (Dissoiative Idenity Disorder) usually means that a person has more than two self-states or identities, which often times appear like entirely different personalities. When one is under the control of one identity, the person usual ly is unable to remember some of the eventsRead MoreThe Theory Of Multiple Personality Disorder1486 Words  | 6 Pageslocation, name, age, or their entire identity (Residential). This could be multiple personality disorder- or MPD for short. Multiple personality disorder was first thought to be nonexistent, or extremely rare, but now after thousands of diagnoses (Carter), multiple personality seems to be in the in the spotlight of psychological disorders. Though multiple personality disorder only became a legitimate psychiatric disorder in 1980, there had been cases reported before then. Various individuals believeRead MoreMultiple Personality Disorder Essay1635 Words  | 7 PagesMultiple Personality Disorder Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is a mental disease that exists in about one percent of the population. Much research supports the existence of this disease and its origins, causes and effects on the people in who suffer with it. This essay will clearly define Multiple Personality Disorder along with a detailed synopsis of the disease itself. The diagnosis, alter personalities, different treatments and views will indicate the disease is real. The AmericanRead MoreTypes Of Multiple Personality Disorder848 Words  | 4 Pagesis multiple personality disorder? Multiple personality disorder also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder is a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present in and interchangeably take control of an individual. DID is a disorder categorized by identity division rather than a creation of separate personalities. The disorder is not due to the direct psychological effects of a substance or of a general medical condition. DID was called Multiple Personality