Briar Rose essays

Briar Rose essays In a nutshell: Briar Rose is the story of the Holocaust intertwined with the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty. The story begins with the death of the "Gemma," the grandmother of Becca. Through out Beccas life Gemma told the story of Sleeping Beauty many times to her. Now, however, after making a promise to her grandmother, to find her past, the once insignificant fairy tale might be a clue to her actual past. Before her grandmother's death Becca had vowed to fulfill her grandmothers promise, which was to rediscover her origin. After the grandmother's death, Becca became intrigued in what she had found in a box Gemma left behind. In the box there were only vague clues about Gemmas past. Drawn to the mystery of her grandmothers past, Becca continued to search for clues. After finding out what could be a lead to Gemmas past, Becca decides to go to Poland were everything began. Once in Poland Becca tries to solve the mystery. When Becca goes to Joseph Potocki, a once close friend of Gemma, this is all answered There in Joseph Potocki's house Becca finds the shocking conclusion to her grandmother's past. Gemma's fairy tales were not all so make believe in the end. The story Joseph told was shocking. Gemma's past was darker than Becca thought. As Joseph told his story, Becca began to realize not only the significance of the story; but also what Gemma actually went through. The story explained Josephs and Gemmas escape from the Holocaust. Joseph goes on to explain how he had saved Gemma by bringing her back to life, the escape from the concentration camps, and finally, freedom. After finding the truth Becca returns home content, knowing she has fulfilled her vow. What's so special: The book has a rich and intriguing story line. It uses the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty intertwined with the Holocaust to make an all most life like story, that keeps you reading fo...

In or on - Emphasis

In or on In or on This may be a post mostly for our non-native English speaking readers. When to use in or on at any given moment is something native speakers give little thought to, simply because theyve grown up hearing where these words slot in. But it can be more confusing for those coming to the language later. And its hardly surprising, considering how many definitions these tiny but mighty words can carry. In can be an adverb, noun, adjective or preposition, while on can be an adjective, adverb or preposition. As prepositions alone, they each have over a dozen definitions. Isabel from Natural England wrote in on the subject: In Spanish, both translate as en and I am unsure when to use one or the other in many situations. Is it a matter of learning them by heart or are there any useful rules out there? The answer to that (perhaps unfortunately) lies somewhere in between. But for the most common areas where these two words share territory, this downloadable PDF will be a handy reference. Print it off, stick it on your wall or monitor, and the rules will soon be lodged in your mind. Download In or on